The Altar Rosary Society of ICC would like you to know more about our ministry.
The Altar Rosary Society is an organization whose primary purpose is to “praise and honor the Blessed Virgin Mary and to secure her patronage by the recitation of the Rosary.” Prayers are said for the intentions of our members, our Parishioners, the poor, the unborn, world peace and all of God’s family. Inspirational talks, discussions and devotions make up part of the monthly meetings. We have a group of kniiters and crocheters that create beautiful prayer shawls and lap blankets for our parisoners needing comfort.
It is also a very active social organization for members of the Parish. Working together we put all of our efforts into our numerous bake sales throughout the year as well as our Advent sale. We have joined with Rosary Societies of other Parishes for prayer and social events. We can't forget our annual Communion Breakfast and the best Christmas parties ever.
Monies raised through fundraising projects are used to purchase rosaries for First Communicants, RCIA candidates and inmates of the Edna Mahan prison as well as special needs such as vestments and altar cloths.
Membership is open to all men and women of the Parish desiring to pray the Rosary. Meetings are held in the parish hall on the second Tuesday of most months, 7:00-9:00 pm (social time begins at 6:30). During the months January-February-March, two meetings are held on the same day in order to accommodate most schedules: 1:00 pm and 7:00 pm. Notice of all meetings and activities are published in the bulletin.
For more information, please contact
Lori Dwyer at 908 812-8807
or email the Rosarians at [email protected]
Prayer Shawl Ministry, please contact
Mary Hegarty 908 399-8514